Archive for universe

Mind Release Technique

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 7, 2013 by Rhonda Marie Baumgardner

Mind Release

A Simple Technique To Clear Your Mind and Expand Your Spirit

From birth we are filled and attacked with negative. Whether it be speech, behaviour or feelings, we learn that it just is. It is acceptable to be afraid, to feel angry, to feel sick, to have a bad day. By time we reach adulthood it is common speech and thought to start the day with negative.
How many times have we woke up in the morning and said, “this is going to be a bad day, I can already tell?” or, “I woke on the wrong side of the bed!”. Well, guess what?! Because you said it is going to be a bad day, it is. And who determines which side of the bed is the wrong side?

One day, we come to a point where we want better for our lives. We want to feel good, we want to be happy, we want things to go right for us, we don’t want to feel depression anymore, or be afraid of life and circumstances. The problem is how it is done. Most want that change, they just don’t know how to go about it. Where that change is going to happen and how is determined on the individual.
No change can happen until one realizes that what is, is. That they are the creator of their Universe, the negative in their life is a product of their own mind. That they have chosen to live in the illusion of
separation from the moment they took breath. The goal now, is to become One again, to release your mind of the negative vibrations that flow so easily and freely and continue growing and learning and being grateful for each learning lesson in this life cycle.

Example of How Mind Release Works

First I will give an exercise for feeling ill, working with the belief that you feel ill.

I release the belief that I am capable of feeling sick, maintaining any positive lessons I may have learned for my health and benefit, thank you

repeat 3x’s

You have to believe that you are created by a perfect creator in his image. Therefore, why would you experience illness, headaches, pains, when you are perfect? You must also be able to realize that you are the creator of your life and all that is in it. If you are having a bad day, it is of your doing, you believe that you can have a bad day, if you have a headache, you allowed yourself to believe that you could. Now, it is up to you to change your mind and believe in the perfection that is meant to be you.

Second, I will give an exercise on releasing negative emotions.

I release the negative emotion of fear and the reasoning, maintaining any positive lessons I may have learned for my health and benefit, thank you

repeat 3 x’s

Once again, you have to belief that you have been created in a perfect creators image. To truly get yourself to that belief you can mind release yourself there. Just by saying that you release the belief that you are anything but perfect…..

Our minds are incredible things that will create anything that is thought upon. We have to watch our thoughts for that purpose. Retraining your mind is the most important thing you can do in your life, because, well, once again, your mind creates that life. If you want to be happy and joyous, if you want to live in peace and harmony, as one with the Universe, you must retrain your mind and then watch your thoughts to not let negative circumstances affect your world. This can not be said enough.

Rhonda Baumgardner
Spirit Guide, Healer and Author

The Law of Love…Parents and Siblings

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 14, 2011 by Rhonda Marie Baumgardner

When it comes to parents and our siblings..hopefully we all have love for them, we should. There of course is fighting and squabbling, that is normal, especially while growing up. Once we hid adulthood things change a lot.
While growing we are bound to them, our parents **if good ones** are our guides, our teachers, the ones who teach us about loving others, responsibility, morals and spirituality. They are our example of how we are to be with our own mates and children. We always say we won’t be like our parents, but inevitably that is what happens, we always take away with us part of our childhood.

Once we hit adulthood we become responsible for ourselves. Our parents will help us out if need be, just like their parents did them and before them… The relationship changes. It becomes a grownup one. We still love and respect them, but we are now our own person, living our own lives. Hopefully they have raised you to know how to be your own person, express yourself with love and respect towards society.

A change comes even more once you take on your own spouse. Your parents and your siblings may have been what you revolved around and worried about the most before, but now, you have your own family, it is now your turn to do as your parents did, be on your own and put your new addition to the family first. Hopefully as a child you learned from your parents the bond and respect and stability that you are now responsible for.
You don’t forget about you other family, you just now have someone in your life that comes before them. That is a parents job. To teach their children to go on their own and create their own family just as they did and their parents did and their parents before them and on and on. At the same time your siblings are doing the same, creating their own lives.

If a parent gets sick, your spouse is also now a part of that family, you don’t leave your spouse to care for a parent, you include the spouse or give them the option to be involved or leave it all to you. Your own spouse becomes a part of you and your support, just as your parents were to each other. Unfortunately that is the law of life, parents get sick, parents die, but you don’t abandon a spouse for the love of a parent. No good parent would want that of their child.

What your parent may want you to do as an adult does not mean that is how you must do it. They have wants and wishes for their children, we all do, but you are grown and if they have done their job you will make the right choice for your life and not be worried about offending your parent or upsetting them. They did not do everything that their parents may have wanted for them either. Each parent can only hope that their child will grow up a good person and find some one to spend their life with that will love them unconditionaly and that they can love back the same. Well, a good parent would be happy with that anyways, one who wants you to live according to them and their beliefs no matter your own happiness, is not the kind of parent anyone should follow an example of.

As a parent myself, I can say that I have dreams for my girls, wants for them. But my biggest dream is for them to find a man who will treat them with the greatest of love and honour and respect, put their needs above all else and that they are happy, career, no career. As humans most of us are going to find mates, that is just the way it is, so a dream for your child like mine is a good one, a reasonable one and in my opinion what any parent should dream of for their offspring. We are close, we love eachother, but they are grown now, still young yes, but they hopefully took the lessons I gave them and will apply them to their life if in nothing else than how to love, their happiness has to come from what they choose for themselves, not from what I want, or I believe in, but I did my job in teaching them what they needed to know now it is up to them on how to use it. I hope that I have instilled in them the power of love and the sense of right and wrong above all else. And no matter how hard life gets and what’s thrown at them in the end they can come back to those things.
I learned from my grandmother the power of love and right and wrong growing up. .I took from her what family was when otherwise I would of had no idea what it was. I learned the true meaning of love, and because of her I had something to pass on. My children will have something to pass on.

When it comes to siblings… you love them, but they are not who you are, they are who they are. Be honourable, live in love, do whats right… and everyone has their place. We have children to raise them up and send them on their way to make their own family, that is how the world turns, leave your parents home and cleave to your mate… that is what God teaches. Why else would we have mates… as parents we love our children and then send them on their merry way. That doesn’t mean we don’t love any longer or care for or help any longer, we just all have a new place as adults.

And if truth and love lives in each as a result from the parents then there will be coming together with all. .

End result… what we learn and how we are with our family is what we put out about us.. Our parents teach us things as we grow, hopefully the right thing, so that when we are adults we are putting out positive into our Universe already instead of negative.. we learn how to treat people, how to love in our growing years. It all follows the cycle of round and round…

NEXT.. the law of love when it comes to our neighbor
**how we deal with others, whether single or married, co worker, the person next to us**

Rhonda Baumgardner

Our Thoughts and Our Universe

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 6, 2011 by Rhonda Marie Baumgardner

Controlling what and how we think is a true challenge. We have conditioned ourselves with things such as, “I hate my life”, “my life sucks”, “this is going to be a bad day, I can already tell”, “I’m gonna feel sick today”, “I woke on the wrong side of the bed”. And more. It seems that we just ‘can’t’ take the ‘can’t’ out of our vocabulary, let alone the words sick, hate, won’t, bad, etc.

It is a total reconditioning of the brain to change your vocabulary. I mean literally like being reborn and learning how to speak in a new language. It is a necessary process though in order to change our hearts, our spirits and move to a higher spiritual place, to remove sickness from our bodies, to attract greatness to our lives, to walk a happier healthier path in this life.

Why? Simple… Our thoughts control our Universe. This is so much deeper than what it seems at first, and what I will explain in one sitting. Our thoughts don’t just stop with what we are thinking about in the front of our head, it runs down into our true beliefs in our spirit, that is what controls everything. That is what your attractor is… whether you are bringing good or bad, health or sickness into your life…

Really, it isn’t that hard to do. Just think about what you are going to say. Decide you want certain words out of your speech and try to form sentences with out them.. as I just did. I could of said, “Decide you ‘don’t’ want…….” .. but I took the ‘don’t’ out. That is just a start. Think about it before you say it and realize that what you put out is what you are going to get back. If you put out there that ‘you are having a bad day’…you ARE going to have a bad day.. if you put out there that you are ‘going to feel sick today’ ARE going to feel sick.

Think about the simple changes that I have talked about here for a bit.. because it does go deeper. The way the brain processes words.. we will get into that at a later time… because ultimately, once you have started changing a few little words that come out of your mouth, you have started changing them in your mind… which means you have started changing them in your spirit. Thats the goal…..

Living in health, wealth, abundance and joy…

More to come on our spiritual laws…. first to work on your words, try to balance your self… if you need help with that, ask me, we will balance together it is very simple yoga moves, working with the chakras, EFT and mind release..

Rhonda Baumgardner

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